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Creating a template

A template is a directory: usually the root folder of a git repository.

The content of the files inside the project template is copied to the destination without changes, unless they end with .tmpl (or your chosen suffix). In that case, the templating engine will be used to render them.

A slightly customized Jinja2 templating is used. The main difference is those variables are referenced with [[ name ]] instead of {{ name }} and blocks are [% if name %] instead of {% if name %}. To read more about templating see the Jinja2 documentation.

If a YAML file named copier.yml is found in the root of the project (alternatively, a YAML file named copier.yaml), the user will be prompted to fill in or confirm the default values.

Template helpers

In addition to all the features Jinja supports, Copier includes:

Builtin variables/functions

  • now() to get current UTC time.
  • make_secret() to get a random string.
  • _copier_answers includes the current answers dict, but slightly modified to make it suitable to autoupdate your project safely:
  • It doesn't contain secret answers.
  • It doesn't contain any data that is not easy to render to JSON or YAML.
  • It contains special keys like _commit and _src_path, indicating how the last template update was done.
  • _copier_conf includes the current copier ConfigData object, also slightly modified:
  • It only contains JSON-serializable data.
  • But you have to serialize it with [[ _copier_conf.json() ]] instead of [[ _copier_conf|tojson ]].
  • ⚠️ It contains secret answers inside its .data key.
  • Modifying it doesn't alter the current rendering configuration.

Builtin filters

  • anything|to_nice_yaml to print as pretty-formatted YAML.

Without arguments it defaults to: anything|to_nice_yaml(indent=2, width=80, allow_unicode=True), but you can modify those.